Fourth Song. My song of the quarter project is complete.
Update: As you can see, my song of the week project has been a huge failure. But my song of the quarter is a big success. As we enter this 4th quarter of 2014, I have three songs up and I have two more months to get the fourth uploaded. Winning!
Song #3
Week 2
A reworking of an acoustic tune called The 5th Bar Capo Rag, previously unrecorded. © 2014 Noel Olken
Week 1
Here is the first one, and old poem that I never put to music before. It’s called As I Sit Inside My Dark, and this is the perfect time to release it and the energy of sitting in my dark. No more. I’m going to the light now.
Being seen, being creative, and being me.
As I sit Inside My Dark by Noel Olken © 2014 Noel Olken
As I sit inside my dark
Feeling hollow as a snail
I’m the old man in the doorway
Waiting for the mail
I’m the tip of a cigarette
Quickly ashtray bound
A piece of my old life
In the lost and found
One thought does console me
In a way that leaves me cold
Violence will destroy me
I won’t live to be old
When will it over take me
Surely by surprise
Between the twilight and the dawn
Bloody nice sunrise
Cigarette extinguished
The mailman comes and goes
Leaving nothing for the old man
Smell his old man cloths
As I sit inside my dark